Brianna harvesting cabbage to make sauerkraut.

Brianna harvesting cabbage to make sauerkraut.

 jai and Walter using a mandolin to shred cabbage.


jai and Walter using a mandolin to shred cabbage.

On July 10th, members of the EarthDance Junior Farm Crew &  staff arrived at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in Rutledge, MO for three days of exchange, exploration, experimentation, and "stretching" themselves mentally, physically, and socially.  

jai smells fresh goat's milk with heardswoman Mae.

jai smells fresh goat's milk with heardswoman Mae.

FC Crew members walk down Main Street at dusk.

FC Crew members walk down Main Street at dusk.

The residents of Dancing Rabbit, a community that treads lightly on our earth by growing their own food, making their own power, building their own houses, and sharing cooperatively, welcomed us with open arms, big hearts, and phenomenal food. 

alter, Elyse, and Hassan building a cob wall.

alter, Elyse, and Hassan building a cob wall.

he full JFC crew with Sharon & Hassan in front of a completed wall.

he full JFC crew with Sharon & Hassan in front of a completed wall.


While we are still processing our experience at this amazing place, we thought we would share some pictures of our crew exploring natural building, organic gardening, food preservation, and what exactly this "sustainability" word means. 

ur final day after a workshop on how what brings us alive can help us change the world!

ur final day after a workshop on how what brings us alive can help us change the world!